Single Men Accountability


The mission is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and to other men for the purpose of becoming disciples,spiritual leaders, winning in life, growing to maturity, and purposeful living. 

Men's Accountability:


Develop Men To Follow Jesus

·       Become Men of God. Men of Prayer and Men of the Word

·       Study the Bible, Biblication : Bible Application to REAL  Life issues

·       Deal with Personal Issues: Sin, Sexual Purity, Character, Integrity, Lust

·       Operate Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Develop Men To Lead (Home/Community)

·       Dealing With Different Areas of Relationships, Godly Dating & Marriage

·       Kingdom Single Manhood, Biblical Husband, and Biblical Fatherhood

·       Discipling & Leading Your Home (Instructing Wife & Children)

·       Become Priest of your home/Guardian of your Home Gate

Develop Men for Service in SPL & in The body

·       Spiritual Gift Assessment/Ministry of Helps Niche, Ministry Fit

·       Character Building and Development

·       Stewardship of Time, Money and Talent

·       Actively engaging in Servant Role & Evangelism


Develop  Men for Personal Ministry

·        Spiritual Discipleship/Parenting & Spiritual Disciplines

·        Platoon Leadership Training/Retreat/Training

·        Personal Discipleship (Mentoring Another Man) -Discipleship & Mentoring

·        Facilitate Platoon Group - Leadership

·        Identity/Purpose/Destiny Battery

Fellowship with others is one of the most effective ways to stay connected with both God and Man. And Accountability men's group of Singles Pleasing the Lord allows men to connect in the way most suitable for men spiritual needs.

In fellowship with others, men will have the opportunity to share their experiences, discuss their thoughts, and examine the Word of God for advice, wisdom and application.

The Accountability Group offers men the opportunity to discuss with others their failings, their problems and their successes.

Men, admitting that they are wrong about something is rarely an easy task, especially if men are used to leadership. In most circumstances, men, those you are used to leading will not be attending the same SPL accountability small group as you, so your admissions of wrongdoing and failing will not undermine your established authority and leadership.

The SPL Accountability Group also offers a place to confess problems that you may have difficulty speaking about around women or in the church setting. These concerns are natural and normal, and by holding each other accountable for your actions, you and your fellow men will be able to overcome together the trials that you may have difficulty overcoming alone.

The SPL Accountability Small Group offers the chance to discuss the Bible, discuss doctrinal teachings, and discuss your own issues in a setting that promotes participation and deeper understanding of how to apply the Word of God as the solution.

The Men's Accountability Group is under the direction of Pastor Julius Adebayo.  The current Accountability Leaders are Ted Wallace and Kevin Cooper. If you would like more information email us at


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