This quiz which takes only a few minutes to complete may provide you with some insight into the degree of success you are experiencing as a single adult.
Discover two of the habits highly successful single adults possess and how you can set the foundation for a successful 2006 This article will be helpful if you are ending 2009 broke, lonely, unemployed or underemployed, overweight or spirtually dry.
Discusses how single adults address masturbation.
I am a white male very interested in a black woman on my job. We are both Christians and seem to have a lot in common. I have tried to ask her out but she declines stating that dating between the two of us could be a career- limiting move for the both of us. What do you think of her viewpoint and should I continue to pursue a relationship with her.
Single adults who have the most fulfilled lives are intimately involved in a local church where God meets and ministers to their needs. Destiny, callings, marriage partners and finanial success can all be tied to membership in the right local church.
Discover how to live a successful single life!