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 Single and Never Married

The possibilities that exist for the single and never married adult are unlimited, more than any other category of being single.  This is especially true if you have a love for God and a desire to see His kingdom advanced on the earth.  God has given you a single life as a gift and He wants you to celebrate it, appreciate it, prize it, discover its benefits and enjoy it.  "Being single is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed."


The attributes you possess that are particularly beneficial to the Kingdom of God are time to be focused on God's kingdom agenda and freedom to be led by the Spirit of God.  The opportunity to abide in God's presence with undistracted devotion makes you an invaluable resource to the Kingdom of God.  You have an opportunity to establish intimacy with God that will create a holy jealousy from your married counterparts if you recognize it and learn to take advantage of it.  This intimacy will also result in you having profound impact on the kingdom of God.  Charles Spurgeon describes the opportunity that awaits every single adult that has the courage to embrace it:


"To abide in Jesus is never to quit Him for another love, or another object, but remain in living, loving conscious, willing union with Him.  The heart must remain in love, the mind must be rooted in faith, the hope must be cemented to the Word, the whole man must be joined unto the Lord.  The carte blanche can be given give to one whose very life is, "Not I, but Christ liveth in me."


The success of your single life will be determined and evaluated by the level of intimacy you establish with God.  The degree of your intimacy will be measured by the amount of fruit you produce.  Maybe the Lord will call you to the mission field during your single life and many souls from the third world will come into the kingdom because you are an obedient single adult.  Maybe you will use your time, gifts and finances to ensure the needs of your local church are met.  Maybe your devotion to intercession and prayer will bring life to dead marriages, bound children and drug infested neighborhoods and communities.  Maybe your skill and character in corporate America will cause the name of Jesus to be glorified and your financial success will be used to spread the gospel.  As a single adult, if you make yourself available and pay the price giving God undistracted and undivided devotion these are just a few examples of the testimonies you will have.


I encourage and exhort you to enjoy your season of being unmarried and take full advantage of the benefits and opportunities it offers.  You may never get an occasion to have intimacy and impact like the one that awaits you right now as a single that has never been married.


If you are one of those choice singles that God has called to remain single a life- time like the Prophet Jeremiah and the Apostle Paul, you are to be commended for your obedience and sacrifice.  Like the Prophet Jeremiah and the Apostle Paul you are a treasured possession and your life is invaluable to the advancement of the kingdom of God.


Singles Pleasing the Lord would like to pray this prayer for you:


Father God in the Name of Jesus,


May this single adult that has never been married or no longer has direct parenting responsibilities discover the awesome privilege and opportunity you have made available to them.  May their devotion toward you be undistracted and undivided.   May they turn seasons of loneliness into opportunities to be in the presence of God.


Place within this single adult a deep desire for your presence. Permit them the opportunity to discover the fullness of joy that is available in your presence and the pleasures of your right hand that are theirs for the taking.


May they discover how to develop intimacy with you that is marked by ongoing abiding in the Word of God and ongoing communication with you.  May their level of intimacy be validated by the amount of fruit they are bearing for your kingdom.  May their lives be productive, successful and fulfilling because they have discovered the God-ordained purpose of their single life.


Lord help them not be anxious about a marriage partner and marriage, but to trust you completely for their future.  Lord may they acknowledge you in all of their ways so that you will be able to direct them into their destiny of fulfillment and success.  Lord if need be remove from them the mindset that they will not experience fulfillment and success until they are married. 


If their singleness is for a season Lord, at the end of the season may they have accomplished all you intended them to accomplish while they are single and if they have that special calling to remain unmarried for a life time may they answer it with the same willing obedience as the single man Jesus did and experience the same degree of fulfillment and success.


Let them never feel slighted or like a second-class citizen because they don't have a marriage partner, but may they recognize the value and worth they have to the Kingdom of God.


Now Satan, I come against assignments you have issued against them to bring them misery, depression, anxiety, debt, obesity, sickness and disease, wrong relationships and anything else because they don't have a marriage partner.   In Jesus Name

