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 Single Parent Ministry

As single parents you have one of the most challenging aspects of the single life and yet if you discover God's provision for the single parent your life and the life of your children will be fruitful and fulfilling.  There are numerous promises in the scripture that deal with the single parent. 
God provides protection to single parents from their enemies:
Exodus 22:22-24 NKJV:  "You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child.  If you afflict them in anyway and they cry at all to Me, I will surely hear their cry and My wrath will become hot and I will kill you with the sword; your wives shall be widows and your children fatherless."
God provides deliverance for single parents:
Job 29:12 NKJV  " Because I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless and him that had none to help him."
God provides assistance for single parents:
Psalms 10:14  "But You have seen it, for You observe trouble and grief, To repay it by Your hand.  The helpless commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless."
Psalms 146:9  " The Lord watches over the strangers; He relieves the fatherless and widow; but the way of the wicked He turns upside down."
Single parents should be careful to remember that as long as they live their lives in undivided devotion to God, He will always direct them to put their children first.  Hagar displays the devotion that a single parent should have to God and to their child and God's incredible response to that devotion.
Practically speaking single parents must be extremely careful not to become involved in relationships or activities that cause them not to be intimately involved with the overall development of their child.  Your life must be lived first to enusre your child is raised to fear the Lord and live for the Lord.  This will be well pleasing to God and cause Him to shine favor on you.  This may mean that God will not permit you to have a romantic relationship until your children are grown and living a successful life.  Don't sacrifice the well being of your child for a relationship.  More than likely you will live to regret that decision.
Practically speaking, seek out an environment that offers assistance to single parents particularly if you don't have family support.  You shold be intimately involved with a local church that is sensitive to the needs of single parents and has programming to address those needs.  Look for churches with male and female mentorship progrms, parenting skills for the single parent, economic provision such as job training and housing.  You should also live in a community that offers these services.
Singles Pleasing The Lord would like to pray this prayer for you:
Father in Jesus Name,
We thank and praise you that your heart is tender and filled with mercy and compassion for those parents that must raise their children without the assistance of a spouse.  May these parents walk in an incredible revelation of the genuine concern and love you have for them and their children.  May they lean on you, Father and confidently put their trust in you with absolute assurance in your keeping power.
Lord, lead them by your Spirit to practical resources that will help them in parenting.  Steer them away from ungodly relationships and activities that interfere with their parenting responsibilities.  Give them the courage and grace to sever any relationship activities they may currently be involved in that keep them from being effective in parenting and expose their children to harm.
Protect the sefl-image of their children and help this parent teach them who they are in you Jesus even if they don't have a father or mother.  May they never feel like a second class citizen or inferior in anyway, but may your love and conercn protect them from  a negative self-image.  Raise up concerned individuals who have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to spiritually, mentally and economically provide assistance to these parents. 
Give this single parent wisdom in disciplining their children.  Teach them how to pray potent prayers for their children and how to do spiritual warfare on behalf of their children so that the enemy will never bring destruction into the life of their children. 
Satan we come against you in the name of Jesus and cancel any demonic assingments you currently have in operation to destroy the life of this single parent and their child.
In Jesus Name